Chionh Boon Bin, B. Sc.

FYP Thesis:


A critical a-helical elements of the N-terminal domain of the Alkylhydroperoxide Reductase subunit F (AhpF) of Enterococcus faecalies, an essential enzyme in H2O2 reduction. Degree in 2016


  1. Toh, Y.K., Balakrishna, A.M., Manimekalai, M.S.S., Chionh, B.B., Seetharaman, R.R.C., Eisenhaber, B., Eisenhaber, F. and Grüber, G. (2017) Novel insights into the vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis (V583) alkylhydroperoxide reductase subunit F. Biochim. Biophys. Acta-General Subject 2017 Sep 19, pii: S0304-4165(17)30295-7


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