Dr. Ankita Pan, PhD

Nanyang Technological University

School of Biological Sciences
Division of Structural Biology and Biochemistry
60 Nanyang Drive
Singapore 637551

PhD Thesis:

Structure and functional characterization of flavivirus non-structural protein 3 (NS3) in solution and atomic and enzymatic insights of vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecalis (V583) alkyl hydroperoxide subunit C. Degree in 2018



  1. Chaklader, M., Pan, A., Law, A., Chattopadhayay, S., Chatterjee, R., Law, S. (2013) Differential remodeling of cadherins and intermediate cytoskeletal filaments influence microenvironment of solid and ascitic sarcoma. Mol Cell Biochem 382, 293-306

  2. Manimekalai, M.S.S., Saw, W. G., Pan, A., Grüber, A. and Grüber, G. (2016) Identification of the critical linker residues conferring differences in compactness of DENV-4 NS5 from Dengue virus serotypes 1-3. Acta Crystallogr. D72, 795-807

  3. Saw, W. G.1, Pan, A.1, Manimekalai, M.S.S. and Grüber, G.* (2017) Structural features of Zika virus non-structural proteins 3 and -5 and its individual domains in solution as well as insights into NS3 inhibition. Antiviral Res. 141, 73-90

  4. Pan, A.1, Saw, W.G.1, Manimekalai, M.S.S., Grüber, A., Shin, J., Matsui, T., Weiss, T. and Grüber, G.* (2017) Structural features of NS3 of Dengue virus serotypes 2 and 4 in solution and insight into RNA binding and the inhibitory role of quercetin. Acta Crystallogr. D73, 402-419

  5. Pan, A., Balakrishna, A.M., Nartey, W., Kohlmeier, A., Dip, P.V., Bhushan, S., Grüber, G.* (2018) Atomic structure and enzymatic insights into the vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis (V583) alkylhydroperoxide reductase subunit C. Free Rad. Biol. Med. 115, 252-265

  6. Saw, W.G.1, Pan, A.1, Manimekalai, M.S.S., Grüber, A., and Grüber, G.* (2018) Structure and flexibility of Non-structural proteins 3 and -5 of Dengue- and Zika viruses in solution. Progr. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 143, 67-77

  7. Zhu, G., Pan, A., Grüber, G. and Lu, L. (2018) Conformational States of Zika Virus Non-Structural Protein 3 Determined by Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Data. Progr. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 143, 13-19

1 (Authors have equal contribution)

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