Dr. Nebojša Bogdanović, PhD

Case Western Reserve University

Cleveland, USA

PhD Thesis:

Characterization of the interactions of subunits α, ε and γ and functional insight into F-type ATP synthase of mycobacteria. Degree in 2019


  1. Shin, J., Ragunathan, P., Sundararaman, L., Nartey, W., Kundu, S., Manimekalai, M.S.S., Bogdanović, N., Dick, T. and Grüber, G.* (2018) The NMR solution structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis F-ATP synthase subunit ε provides new insight into energy coupling inside the rotary engine. FEBS J. 285, 1111-1128

  2. Bogdanović, N, Sundararaman, L., Kamariah, N., Tyagi, A., Bhushan, S., Ragunathan, P., Shin, J., Dick, T., and Grüber, G.* (2018) Structure and function of Mycobacterium-specific components of F-ATP synthase subunits α and ε. J. Struct. Biol. 280, 420-434

  3. Bogdanović, N., Trifunovic, D., Sielaff, H., Westphal, L., Bhushan, S., Müller, V. and Grüber, G. (2019) The structural features of Acetobacterium woodii F-ATP synthase reveal the importance of the unique subunit γ-loop in Na+ translocation and ATP synthesis. FEBS J. 286, 1894-1907


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